Family Stewardship Coaching
Protecting & watching over the things that matter most
For many Christians, the task of stewarding their family towards the future is their most important responsibility. It can also be their most daunting one. Financial stewardship helps families to get their financial house in order, and keep it that way. Our family stewardship study program helps families–especially young families– to keep focused on the things that God tells us are even more important than silver or gold.
The combination of a solid grounding in financial matters together with a disciplined approach to multigenerational family stewardship offers families the best hope of beating the 90% failure rate and remaining strong, prosperous and healthy generation after generation.
There is more to do, of course With that long-term perspective in mind, there is another important question to consider: can Christ-centered courses in financial and family stewardship–by themselves–provide every tool that a family steward will ever need in the course of his or her lifetime to ensure the future health of their family? No two families are alike, of course, and so for some, study programs may provide all of the information and training they feel are necessary.
For many other families, however, including those with older children, the path to successfully creating a culture of communication, trust and mentoring, as well as to build out the structures that are necessary to maintain family harmony and financial wealth, requires undertaking another step, one that has come to be known as Heritage Design.
About Heritage Design
We know from studies and experience that 90 percent of families fail when it comes to keeping the family unity and its assets together for more than three generations. There are many reasons for that, but the most important question that fact raises is:
If 90 percent of families fail, what do the ‘successful’ 10 percent do differently?
In our decades long- research and experience working with families, we discovered that the difference it is NOT in their financial or estate planning. The difference is that they add a 3rd ‘element’ to their planning, known as heritage design. Heritage design provides a Christ-centered foundation of rock beneath the shifting sands of traditional financial and estate planning. Together, here is what the 3 ‘elements’ of planning accomplish:
• Financial Planning protects & grows your money. • Estate Planning prepares your money for your family. • Heritage Design prepares your family for their inheritances.
Planning your family’s future using only 2 elements of planning is like trying to balance on a 2-legged stool. Sooner or later, you are going to topple over. Heritage design adds a rock-solid, Christ-centered 3rd ‘leg’ that will ensure your family’s strength for generations.
Coaching families in Heritage Design
What does family stewardship coaching look like, and what does it do for families? We all know that financial planning can be as simple as the monthly household budget, or as complex as sophisticated long-range planning designed in consultation with professional planners. And, we understand that estate planning can mean anything from the creation of a simple will to dynasty trusts, offshore planning and multi-faceted philanthropic plans. Heritage Design is different: it is a process that prepares your heirs to receive both their financial as well as their emotional inheritances. (Including faith and other values that matter most to you and your family.) Heritage design shapes and guides the decisions people make regarding their financial and estate planning, and the process can be as simple as creating special family traditions that foster communication between family members, to the establishment of multi-generational family governance structures.
Our Family Stewardship Coaches are all certified as Heritage Design Professionals® by The Heritage Institute, the world’s acknowledged leader in heritage design, to provide heritage design services from a Biblical perspective to families.We took what has worked in successful families for centuries and put it into The Heritage Process®, which is the most comprehensive form of heritage design available.This proven process helps people of faith to discover and secure the future they really want. It was developed to help families and individuals to get stronger today, and to achieve their dreams across generations.
In the heritage process, families learn to:
• Identify family stories, values, life lessons and experiences, and use them as the cornerstone for all their planning.
• Communicate effectively on an adult-to-adult level.
• Prepare & equip the next generations.
• Work together, and mentor the children in the skills they’ll need to succeed as individuals and as a united family.
The principles of The Heritage Process® have nothing to do with money. They apply to people at all income levels because designing for the future of your money is not the same as designing for the future of your family.
A community of Christian Heritage Design Professionals with decades of experience The Christian Heritage Design Professionals who provide family stewardship coaching have dedicated their careers to helping families of faith grow stronger and more unified today, and to stay that way for generations. Please contact us for a conversation about how heritage design can help you and your family achieve the things that matter most.